The project stems from two related starting points.
The first: in Italy, people do not buy insurance products and the branches are empty.
The second: today, shops can no longer be just a place to sell.
In Turin, for one of Intesa Sanpaolo's historical branches, we designed and produced an innovative experiential space entirely dedicated to the culture of protection.
Five technologies were used: real-time multisensory VR, interactive 360° videos, interactive video projection, holograms and LED projections, joined together by a gamification system linked to insurance choices and visitors' behaviour.
Spectacular windows:
The showroom windows are designed to surprise. Holographic fans project 3D objects and a scenographic composition of LED tiles hint at the showroom's contents with spectacular images.
Influencers and protection:
The project also sees the participation of ambassadors such as Victoria Cabello, Elisa Di Francisca, Vittorio Brumotti and Barbara Bonansea: their video interviews screened in the showroom help spread the culture of protection.
A movie trailer to increase the hype:
The space was launched with a film published on the bank's websites and social channels.