After 10 years, the war in Syria seems to have lost the attention of newspapers and people. Yet, the emergency is far from over. This is why Terre des Hommes, an NGO working in defence of the Syrian population, has launched a campaign on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the conflict to raise funds and bring attention back to a humanitarian crisis that has lasted too long. #AiutiamoIBambiniSiriani (#HelpTheSyrianChildren) sends a message as simple as it is dramatic: when a war turns 10 years old, the only wish to be expressed is that it ends.
The launch film, recognised at the New York Festival with a silver in the small budget/big idea category and a bronze in the cinematography category, drew media and public attention to the conflict. The candle, the symbol of the initiative, drove communication across several channels: print, billboard, digital adv and the dedicated fundraising website, also promoted by several influencers on their social channels.
The campaign has achieved great results, but we can do even more: donate yourself at