A framework for innovation
For many years, executives equated innovation with the development of new products. But creating new products is only one way to innovate, and on its own, it provides the lowest return on investment and the least competitive advantage. The Ten Types of Innovation® framework provides a way to identify new opportunities beyond products and develop viable innovations.
Overview of the discipline
At the heart of the framework is our discovery: All great innovations throughout history comprise some combination of these 10 basic types. This is our periodic table.
You can use the Ten Types to help your innovation efforts in many ways. It can be a diagnostic tool to assess how you're approaching innovation internally, it can help you analyse your competitive environment, and it can reveal gaps and potential opportunities for doing something different and upending the market.
There are over 100 innovation tactics—specific, known ways to use the Ten Types of Innovation. These are like the atoms that bond together to form molecules; you can use them to construct the breakthroughs that will help you make a real impact on your industry.
Download the Ten Types brochure and tactics list
Explore the Ten Types of Innovation
How might you combine three or four types to open up new possibilities and strengthen your innovation concept?
These types of innovation focus on an enterprise's innermost workings and business system.
These types of innovation are focused on an enterprise's core product or service, or a collection of its products and services.
These types of innovation are focused on more customer-facing elements of an enterprise and its business system.
The book
Ten Types of Innovation: The Discipline of Building Breakthroughs is the culmination of 30 years of analysis and research.
The innovation framework was built around a seminal discovery: that there are 10 distinct types of innovation that need to be orchestrated with care to make game-changing innovations.
We wrote this book to address how you can think about innovating effectively; how you can work to get the future to show up just slightly ahead of its regularly scheduled arrival; and how you can ensure your teams are equipped with the robust methods they need to succeed.
Want to learn more?
We designed the Ten Types framework to make innovation more learnable and successful. If you want to discover more about this approach, tell us what you want to learn.