Next in our Global Marketing Trends series: What’s new in authentically inclusive marketing? And how is it impacting your industry?
Our 2022 survey confirmed that consumers shop more with brands that commit to addressing social inequities. But how do you craft intelligent campaigns that feel truly authentic to a diverse and multicultural consumer base? Our 2022 trend report explored the benefits of building marketing teams and campaigns that are genuinely inclusive from the ground up.
Now we want to hear from you: How have you used authentically inclusive methods to drive growth in your industry? How has authentically inclusive marketing impacted your industry this year?
Recapping the trend
In October, we proposed that winning over your future customer takes a commitment to DEI both in front of and behind the camera.
Here are a few key facts driving this trend:
What’s new in authentic inclusivity?
The Deloitte Digital Ethos team explored how integrating diverse perspectives throughout the design process can help achieve more powerfully inclusive outcomes. One recent example: a groundbreaking project for the United Negro College Fund designed to help faculty at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) create more effective online curriculums.
What do Ryan Reynolds, Deloitte, and the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity have in common? A deep commitment to making creative marketing careers more accessible to marginalised communities. Get the details on our new Creative Ladder partnership with Ryan Reynolds.
Deloitte Digital partnered with the Ad Council, inviting girls to explore engineering with our She Can STEM campaign. This user-generated content competition challenged girls to code Minecraft worlds for a virtual concert featuring award-winning musician Ruth B. The result? An inclusive gaming and performance representing 659+ hours of coding and engineering exploration from girls all over the world, while also earning a Webby Award!
Looking ahead
Next up, we will check in on the intelligent creative engine trend, with fresh insights from our team on the importance of infusing creativity into every aspect of your business transformation: from design, to strategy, to sales, to service.
Need help crafting more authentically inclusive campaigns?