As the world of technology has evolved, we .have broadened our development capabilities to encompass all aspects of technology implementation. Our team of certified experts range from front-end and back-end devlopers to strategic architects and technology consultants that work often as part of indisciplinary teams at Deloitte Digital in collaboration with your stakeholders to find the most flexible and scalable technology solutions to drive business growth. We can deliver app development, website and e-commerce solutions as well as digital customer and CRM platforms.
Often, businesses already work with specific technology solutions from CMSs, DXPs, CRMs and backend systems to ERPs that require integration to the rest of the technology stack and customer facing experiences. We work closely with you to understand your current challenges and objectives to start mapping out the best technology integration and consider the right approach from an out-the-box or custom build — whichever direction, we plan for longevity and scalabilty to allow your technology solution to grow as your busness grows.
There are different business and industry pressures that companies face. When exploring the right solution we research the landscape of your competitive set, technologies available and take your financial realites into consideration. The advantages custom development provides are often overshadowed but the cost to market. And though we believe custom gives a business unique positioning and will pay for itself as your marketshare grows, we appreciate standard implementation allows for a fast foundation to build upon. Whichever approach taken, our team considers technology development as a strategic part of your business not just executional and will aim to deliver modular solutions that scale over time.
Due to the competitive landscape and small windows of opportunity, speed to market is key. Companies don’t have the luxury in spending years of product development before making their mark in their sector. Modern development methodologies now reflect an agile approach to product development that enables a business to get into the market faster with their MVP (minimum viable product.) This is then tested by real users and supported with shorter development cycles that push regular improvements into market faster. Another key advantage of working in agile sprints means the teams work in tandem which improves knowledge sharing and efficiency throughout a project. Deloitte Digital not only offers this approach, but by default we work in cross functional work teams of developers and designers to maintain ontinuity and provide a fluid project execution.
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