How can marketing leaders turn signal loss into brand wins? CMOs are at a critical juncture and need to act now to lay a new foundation for data-driven marketing.
The marketing landscape is changing like never before. New channels keep emerging. Technologies keep evolving. Costs keep climbing. Customer expectations keep rising, and competitors keep innovating. But of all the challenges faced by today’s CMO, digital marketing signal loss may be the greatest—and is undoubtedly the most urgent. The ongoing deprecation of third-party browser cookies, used by advertisers and marketers to track and understand buyer behaviour, means that brands are losing critical data signals for targeting, optimizing, and measuring marketing effectiveness.
Our new four-part series examines how brands can tackle marketing signal loss and offers insights and tools for today’s leaders to get—and stay—ahead.
Understanding these hurdles and how to overcome signal loss is crucial for leaders who want to turn today’s marketing organization into tomorrow’s insights-driven powerhouse.