Organizations still struggle to advance digital transformation. A common language that transcends technology could be the key to strategic transformation.
Digital transformation is ever-present as organizations look for a competitive edge. For some, the move to digital is an opportunity to create services and products that customers will love; others see it as a way to make processes more efficient. Most organizations are still trying to figure out how to transition and struggle to advance digital transformation, often falling into the trap of pursuing a technology-first approach instead of starting with strategy.
Our latest research, A new language for digital transformation, suggests that while most organizations have a digital strategy, they lack a common language to strategize across functions, making it challenging to digitally transform and address related opportunities and risks. Thinking thematically across five digital imperatives—experiences, insights, platforms, connectivity, integrity—can help organizations communicate across functions in a way that prioritizes strategy, allows for adaptability, and drives value.
The five imperatives can help organizations advance experiences through optimized interactions and productivity with customers, stakeholders, and ecosystem members. They can help drive insights analysis, operating model, and talent needs — given most organizations have marshalled their data and are now seeking more intelligence from it. They can help align on platform needs as cloud computing is now nearly ubiquitous to modernize businesses for agile working practices. They allow organizations to think about their connectivity and networking needs as they examine the future of internet and interactions across broader ecosystems. And, they enable organizations to do so while thinking about integrity resilience, security, ethical tech, and trust across all business systems and processes.
The five digital imperatives can help organizations stay nimble and adaptable while simultaneously driving forward their strategy.
To learn more about this topic, read our Deloitte Insights article, A new language for digital transformation.