At Deloitte Digital, we dig our jobs. And why not? Creative, smart people, check. Generous benefits, check. Tasty snacks to get you through a Monday? Check.
What’s it like to work at Deloitte Digital, you ask? Well for starters, no two days are the same. One day you might start by jumping on a call with a client to help them solve their most pressing issue and then craft a deck that will help them wow a keynote audience. The next, you might ease into your day with a little studio yoga before combining the latest tech with an in-depth data analysis to create an out-of-the-box solution. The following might involve meeting with your team to share all the cool projects you’re working on or creating messaging for an interactive space at a global event. And, if you’re lucky, you might end the day with a game night, team boat ride, or baseball game.
Wait—first off, what does Deloitte Digital do?
Deloitte Digital is a part of Deloitte, and we use technology and creativity to better connect the customer with the business.
We combine creative and digital capabilities with advertising agency prowess and the technical experience, deep business strategy, and relationships of the world’s largest consultancy to help shape and deliver the future of businesses.
Okaaay, I *think* I get it
We could go on for hours, but what you need to know is that while sometimes it’s hard to explain what we do, we really like that we get to do it. (Seriously, check out some of our previous work). Besides collaborating with some of the most innovative companies on the planet, there’s one extra important thing that keeps us showing up to work—our people.
We have good humans, and it shows. Check out a recent interview with Deloitte Digital’s new National Studio General Manager, Rich Whalen, who credited the people as a key factor in deciding to come aboard.
Go on, tell me more
Since we tackle some pretty complex projects, it helps knowing that some of the brightest (and often funniest) creative individuals have your back. Each studio offers a ton of employee-driven programming to foster the collaborative atmosphere. Whether you’re drawn to art club, want to kick it with the sci-fi kids, or want to show off your knitting abilities for charity, there is something for everyone.
To encourage team building outside the studio, activities like group cooking classes, movie nights, and attending professional athletic events offer incredible opportunities to get to know your coworkers outside the studio walls.
Speaking of getting outside, does Deloitte Digital take part in Impact Day?
We do! Contributing to each of our local communities is important to the core of our Deloitte Digital culture. Each year, we participate in Deloitte’s annual day of service, Impact Day. If this is the first time you’ve heard, for 20 years Deloitte has celebrated a commitment to community-powered social impact.
What that looks like:
We know every day is a good day to help make the world just a little bit better. That’s why year-round community engagement is encouraged. From skills-based volunteering and nonprofit board membership to pro bono services, employees are supported in their endeavors to give back to the community.
Phew, saving the world sure builds up an appetite. What was that about snacks?
Well, you can’t save the world (and your client’s deck) if you’re hangry.
Also, because everyone knows that the best place to gather (and gain inspiration) is the kitchen, each Deloitte Digital studio offers a selection of tasty treats and healthy nibbles where we can mingle with teams from across the studio to network and learn about all the different projects in the works.
While snacks and meals are great there are also plenty of benefits to help keep you in tip-top shape outside of the studio walls. Deloitte embraces a culture focused on the development and well-being of our people, and recruitment can detail many of the additional benefits available to Deloitte and Deloitte Digital employees.
So, as they say, the proof is in the pudding. See for yourself how team work *really does* make the dream work with some of Deloitte Digital’s recent case studies.